The Team

Christine Firmin:
My name is Christine Firmin, you may know me as Riddell.
I have been in Scouting since 2004 when I started as an Assistant Beaver Scout Leader. I was introduced to Scouting by my father Vince Riddell, who some of you may remember was the GSL at the 11th Medway Scout Group for many years.
I have six children and three grandchildren, most of whom have either been in Scouting or are still involved with Scouting today.
I first became involved with the District Team in about 2014 when Gill Martin approached me with an offer to join them, this worked for me as the job involved me doing exactly what I had always done but for more Beavers, it actually made my job easier giving me access to Districts resources and allowing me to join in with the wonderful team that was in place.
In early 2018 I was given the opportunity to join the new District team in a Leadership role. Between us we look forward to a bright future in Medway Beaver Scouting, with a combination of experiences past and new combining to make the type of future District is striving for.

Sandra Cooper:
I have been involved with Beaver Scouts for 20 years as an Assistant Beaver Scout Leader then Beaver Scout Leader. I have been part of the District Beaver team for 6 years. Prior to being involved in Scouting I have been Chairman and Treasurer for a large playgroup I was a School Governor and now I am a volunteer with the help children to read organization Beanstalk.
Kim Ward
District Beaver Leader