Our Vision
To promote, grow and deliver quality Scouting across Medway in line with The Scouts' strategic plan, #SkillsForLife 2018-2025
Scouting in Medway will:
• Have a bigger impact in our communities;
• Prepare more young people to be active citizens;
• Embrace and contribute to social change.
Scouting in Medway will be:
• Shaped by young people in partnership with adults;
• Enjoyed by more young people and adult volunteers;
• As diverse as the communities in which we live.
Members of Scouting in Medway will be:
• Part of the team
• Empowered
• Valued
• Proud
A fully inclusive District with a feeling of pride and belonging.
Delivering #skillsforlife and growing Scouting across our communities.
Amazing youngsters, inspirational leaders, amazing Scouting.
A District inspired by all, shaped by all, enjoyed by all.