Section Assistant
Section Age Ranges; Beavers - 6 - 8 years old, Cubs 8 - 10.5, Scouts 10.5 - 14, Explorers 14 - 18
Outline: Section Assistants are adult volunteers who assist the Section Leaders and Assistant Section Leaders in delivering the programme to young people in Scouting.
Responsible to: Group Scout Leader (if assisting with Beavers, Cubs or Scouts) or District Explorer Scout Commissioner (if assisting with Explorers).
Main Contacts: Young people, parents/carers, Section Leaders, other Section-based volunteers, Group Scout Leader or District Explorer Scout Commissioner, Young Leaders.
Appointment requirements: Must successfully complete the appointment process (including acceptable personal enquiries and acceptance of The Scout Association's policies). Complete Getting Started training requirements within 5 months of full appointment.
It's expected that whilst volunteering for this role you will undertake regulated activity.
Main Tasks
Delivery of a Balanced Programme:
- Running games and activities as part of weekly section meetings and other section events.
- Assisting young people to achieve badges and awards.
- Assisting with residential experiences for the section.
- Assisting the section with taking part in a varied, exciting and safe programme of activities.
Note: any other tasks are to be agreed with the Line Manager.